介護職に就いてる娘が早々と3回目新型コロナワクチン接種を済ませました。2回とも熱が出てたので心配でしたばあばです。案の定臥せっておりました。差し入れに ミネストローネ風のスープを作りました。親っていつ迄も子供の事心配しますね。
My daughter, who is in a nursing care job, was vaccinated against COVID-19 for the third time early. I was worried because I had a fever both times. It's my grandmother. As expected, I was lying down. I made a minestrone-style soup as a snack. Parents always worry about their children.
My daughter, who is in a nursing care job, was vaccinated against COVID-19 for the third time early. I was worried because I had a fever both times. It's my grandmother. As expected, I was lying down. I made a minestrone-style soup as a snack. Parents always worry about their children.